CelebSweet » Angeline Jolie for Newsweek

CelebSweet » Angeline Jolie for Newsweek 
 Angeline Jolie for Newsweek

Angeline did an in depth interview with Newsweek magazine and did an edgy photo shoot focusing on her face. When asked about her humanitarian work she said “When I go somewhere, I am always willing to learn about it. I get briefings, I read books, I talk to people, but mainly I try to go somewhere to bring awareness, to come home and pick up the phone and call someone and try to get something done.”

It is pretty amazing to see a celebrity use their popularity for good. Imagine all the children Kim Kardashian could save by talking about Africa instead of make up and clothes. While I think some of Angelina Jolie's decisions and beliefs are odd I do think she is a great humanitarian and really cares about the causes she supports.

CelebSweet » Angeline Jolie for Newsweek class= 
Angeline Jolie for Newsweek

CelebSweet » Angeline Jolie for Newsweek 
Angeline Jolie for Newsweek

CelebSweet » Angeline Jolie for Newsweek
Angeline Jolie for Newsweek

CelebSweet » Angeline Jolie for Newsweek 
Angeline Jolie for Newsweek

CelebSweet » Angeline Jolie for Newsweek
Angeline Jolie for Newsweek


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